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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Cant Stand The Heartache - Skid Row

Cant Stand The Heartache - Skid Row

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Fall in love with a twisted lady

Suicide with a cover girl

Spent all your time then you got stuck paying the price

Uptown, kick it down, into a spin

Face the wall, take it all, you just can't win

Can't stand the heartache

So bleeds the red, red rose

Time heals a broken heart

But that's just the way it goes

Can't stand, can't stand the heartache

You got caught in the line of fire

Bystander innocence

You held your own till it wasn't yours anymore

Waste away another day into the night

You're at home by the phone, it don't seem right

Can't stand the heartache

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