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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Adjustments - Smile Empty Soul

Adjustments - Smile Empty Soul

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Pull the world over my eyes, make me feel secure

Before you stomp on everything that I have ever stood for

I know your tricks, I know your game, I know your every lure

I know you think I could be great with just a few adjustments

So open your fucking ears and listen to my words

Theres nothing you can ever say to change my mind

I need to make this clear

These words they must be heard

I'm only me and I don't care if you don't like it

Say the right things all the time, heard it all before

And I don't need another asshole in my life right now

Try to be my everything, my everything and more

But everything in my life holds me down and keeps me bored