You borrow the moment, betray your own heavens
The darkness is thickening, breathing gets harder
The balance is off, some take more than give back,
the attitude, ignorance, proved to be fatal
for that tiny spark that led our way
you poisoned the air, should you stay away, hence
Wish to be one of us, follow the trail
Take the time offered, don't toss it away
travesty, no trial, defendant is guilty
and we are the judges and sentence the jury
to pay for forgiveness with silent contentment
Stand in the line with the rest of us
We cannot carry you further today
hear what you don't say, thus help... in any way
Need you to learn how to cry without darkness
Face like the others the pain that is harmless
Feel the world has let you down
somehow, we cannot see this
Have to bear the winterburn
You can only wait, if it will fade with time
Secrecy, silence, a stench of treason
the glow of the darkness, you brought in the daylight
The cure will not kill you, there's no such mercy.
would - seria
world - mundo
travesty - travessura
together - juntos
times - vezes
thickening - espessamento
stench - fedor
start - começar
spark - faísca
silent - silencioso
silence - silêncio
should - devemos
sentence - frase
treason - traição
packs - pacotes
trail - trilha
nothing - nada
never - nunca
somehow - de alguma forma
nature - natureza
mercy - misericórdia
others - outras
little - pequeno
justified - justificado
today - hoje
judges - juízes
limbo - limbo
change - mudança
coming - chegando
chance - chance
forever - para sempre
right - certo
harder - mais difíceis
brought - trouxe
child - criança
changing - mudando
secrecy - segredo
carry - levar
betray - trair
again - novamente
trust - confiar em
confident - confiante
cannot - não podes
trial - tentativas
along - ao longo
careless - descuidado
attitude - atitude
bewail - lamentar
ignorance - ignorância
shared - compartilhado
proved - provado
balance - equilibrar
contentment - contentamento
breathing - respiração
learn - aprender
arranging - organizando
cruel - cruel
harmless - inofensivo
borrow - pedir emprestado
stand - ficar de pé
gravity - gravidade
poisoned - envenenado
darkest - mais escuro
darkness - trevas
daylight - luz do dia
things - coisas
feeding - alimentando
follow - segue
defendant - réu
alone - sozinho
counting - contando
forgiveness - perdão
friend - amigos
defying - desafiando
glowing - brilhante
behind - atrás
fatal - fatal
further - mais distante
there - há
offered - oferecido
guilty - culpado
rules - regras
puppy - cachorro
moment - momento
heart - coração
without - sem
heavens - céus
hence - conseqüentemente
infect - infectar
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