Changing her colours she's off to the shore

She rides the soul train and he fight the law

There's a power in his voice and it makes her feel so sure

So live and live in love

One day he'll build a statue with his hands

So gentle when he tries to understand

This subterfuge he never really planned

Now you're living in the lifeline

We're moving

In the lifeline

We're walking

In the lifeline

We're throwing

So live and let live in love

walking - caminhando
tries - tenta
throwing - jogando
those - essa
subterfuge - subterfúgio
statue - estátua
voice - voz
sorts - tipos
shore - costa
rides - passeios
their - deles
precision - precisão
power - poder
planned - planejado
never - nunca
really - realmente
neither - nem
changing - mudando
chance - chance
aiming - apontando
could - poderia
gentle - □ gentil
deathless - imortal
build - construir
makes - faz com que
built - construído
understand - compreendo
democracy - democracia
exits - saídas
fight - luta
train - trem
colours - cores
exchanging - trocando
decisions - decisões
lifeline - linha de vida
begun - começou
ghost - fantasma
giving - dando
moving - movendo-se
letters - cartas
hands - mãos
justifies - justifica
living - vivo

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