Hey brother, happy returns
It’s been a while now
I bet you thought that I was dead
But I’m still here, nothing’s changed
Hey brother, I’d love to tell you
I’ve been busy
But that would be a lie
‘Cause the truth is
while - enquanto
years - anos
thought - pensamento
there - há
sorrow - tristeza
tomorrow - amanhã
brother - irmão
nothing - nada
release - lançamento
dispossessed - despossuído
changed - mudou
happy - feliz
cause - causa
trains - trens
catch - pegar
would - seria
gifts - presentes
still - ainda
again - novamente
police - polícia
avoiding - evitando
trouble - problema
bills - contas
remember - lembrar
drowsy - sonolento
truth - verdade
feeling - sentindo-me
living - vivo
falling - queda
parentheses - parantez
finish - terminar
freaks - loucos
returns - retorna
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