The setting sun creates another world
The shadows fall another day is in the end
The Paradise is sleeping peacefully
And one more day is again history
Tell me can we go on like this?
Everybody is living in a bliss
Are these the last times of our Mother Earth?
Or is it just beginning of new Birth?
Don't be afraid we must be wise
Patient and peaceful and strong
Maybe it's like you would throw the dice
Then hope that nothing goes wrong
Remember that you have the right to say
All things that you feel inside
Open your mind and you open your eyes
Together now is the time
would - seria
universe - universo
things - coisas
these - estes
strong - forte
shadows - sombras
setting - configuração
remember - lembrar
patient - paciente
right - certo
paradise - paraíso
throw - lançar
nothing - nada
creates - cria
bliss - felicidade
earth - Terra
wrong - errado
learn - aprender
anthem - hino
together - juntos
about - sobre
peacefully - pacificamente
crown - coroa
everybody - todo mundo
world - mundo
afraid - receoso
forgive - perdoar
times - vezes
control - ao controle
polishing - polimento
beginning - começando
again - novamente
another - outro
curse - maldição
mother - mãe
eagle - águia
endless - sem fim
sleeping - dormindo
history - história
inside - dentro
peaceful - pacífico
birth - nascimento
living - vivo
maybe - talvez
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