I have seen the future of mankind
The wisdom of my prophecies you´ll find
Follow the truth and be careful, are we the last?
Hundred years has passed what have we done
Inconceivable damage under the sun
I think it´s too late to change the man - we are the last
The World keeps turning while people yearn for more
Mother nature is crying for a change
The time will come when we all must pay for what
We have done are you prepared for that?
As we are reaching the end
Of the century there´s message we can send
Be strong and bold and never lose your mind
Cause we are the last
The World keeps turning while people yearn for more
Mother nature is crying for a change
The time will come when we all must pay for what
We have done are you prepared for that?
Signs of the end I see the end
Let them hear my voice in every corner of the world
Take heed of the warnings that I give
I have seen the Southern Cross forming in the sky
"There shall be heard in the air the noise of weapons
mankind - humanidade
keeps - mantém
prophecies - profecias
instead - em vez de
reigns - reina
message - mensagem
appear - aparecer
fulfilled - realizada
skies - céus
while - enquanto
inconceivable - inconcebível
wisdom - sabedoria
flood - inundar
their - deles
follow - segue
changes - alterar
earth - Terra
drier - secador
believers - crentes
having - tendo
heard - ouviu
after - depois de
thunder - trovão
things - coisas
before - antes
buried - enterrado
smile - sorrir
century - século
headed - encabeçou
attain - atingir
corner - canto
graves - sepulturas
rainbow - arco iris
careful - cuidado
think - pensar
forever - para sempre
learn - aprender
strong - forte
brightly - brilhantemente
another - outro
change - mudança
green - verde
yearn - ansiar
southern - sul
future - futuro
reaching - alcançando
great - ótimo
weapons - armas
every - cada
cross - cruz
cause - causa
along - ao longo
crying - chorando
millenium - milênio
forming - formando
shall - deve
again - novamente
beast - fera
monarchy - monarquia
years - anos
forty - quarenta
seven - sete
mother - mãe
people - pessoas
never - nunca
noise - barulho
turning - giro
nostradamus - nostradamus
thousand - mil
hundred - cem
parched - seca
passed - passado
powerful - poderoso
prepared - preparado
price - preço
prophecy - profecia
reign - reinado
resume - currículo
selfishness - egoísmo
sorrows - tristezas
chosen - escolhido
shining - brilhando
signs - sinais
tears - lágrimas
comet - cometa
there - há
together - juntos
truth - verdade
nature - natureza
twenty - vinte
under - sob
voice - voz
enemies - inimigos
damage - danificar
unjustly - injustamente
warnings - avisos
wiped - apagado
world - mundo
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