I can live with the sky falling out from above

I can live with your scorn, your sourness, your smug

I can live growing old alone if push comes to shove

But I can't live without my mother's love

I can live flying round at an impossible pace

I can live with the bad etiquette that's falling on this place

I can live with anything you've got to throw in my face

But I can't live without my mother's embrace

My mother is seventy five

She's the closest friend I have in my life

Take her from me, I'll break down and bawl

And wither away like old leaves in the fall

without - sem
wither - murchar
watching - assistindo
throw - lançar
shoot - atirar
seventy - setenta
scrabble - scrabble
falling - queda
embrace - abraço
being - ser
friend - amigos
cruel - cruel
scorn - desprezo
might - poderia
shove - empurrão
courage - coragem
comes - vem
night - noite
charmed - encantado
sisters - irmãs
cannot - não podes
through - através
bring - trazer
clock - relógio
anything - qualquer coisa
mother - mãe
playing - jogando
alone - sozinho
light - luz
flying - vôo
above - acima
impossible - impossível
bothered - incomodado
about - sobre
break - pausa
closest - mais próximo
brothers - irmãos
leave - sair
chimes - carrilhões
times - vezes
etiquette - etiqueta
beside - ao lado
round - volta
judge - juiz
lovers - amantes
lemon - limão
things - coisas
grandfather - avô
fought - lutou
classic - clássico
growing - crescendo
holes - buracos
leaves - sai
lover - amante
walks - anda em
memories - recordações
mostly - na maioria das vezes
fights - lutas
place - lugar, colocar
providing - fornecendo

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