Richard Ramirez died today of natural causes
Got amped up on speed and broke into houses
Bludgeoned people to death and wrote shit on their skin and left 'em
They finally got him and he went to San Quentin
His last murder was south of San Francisco
A guy named Peter Pan from the town of San Mateo
A little girl in the Tenderloin was his first
In the laundry room took a dollar from her fist
His last days were at the Bristol hotel
I was reading Night Stalker when I went and rang the bell
Door man buzzed me, said you're just like them all
Gave me a key and a black cat and led me down the hall
Had a flight today from Boston to Cleveland
Got a death in the family, gotta do some grieving
Lost a relative and it's eating me up
And I miss them real bad, I need a little love
Richard Ramirez died today of natural causes
These things mark time and make us pause
Think about when we were kids scared of taps on the window
What's under the bed and what's under the pillow
And the Jim Jones massacre got in our heads
And the TV headlines: "Elvis Presley is dead,"
And the Ayatollah Khomeini hostages
And Ronald Reagen dodging bullets
While I'm there I'm gonna stroll through the old neighborhood
Rick Stan's my age and still lives with his mom
When he's not in jail from innocent stalking
Writing bad checks, and cocaine charges
wrote - escrevi
where - onde
until - até
truth - verdade
today - hoje
times - vezes
through - através
those - essa
think - pensar
things - coisas
these - estes
their - deles
summer - verão
suburbs - subúrbios
studio - estúdio
stroll - passear
still - ainda
stalking - perseguindo
stalked - perseguiu
smile - sorrir
smoking - fumando
sister - irmã
secrets - segredos
scariest - mais assustador
ronald - ronald
south - sul
richard - richard
relative - relativo
record - registro
rapidly - rapidamente
ramen - ramen
prostate - próstata
james - james
little - pequeno
elvis - elvis
finally - finalmente
enough - suficiente
bullets - balas
drunk - bêbado
drinking - bebendo
cocaine - cocaína
alive - vivo
there - há
heart - coração
months - meses
older - mais velho
fifty - cinquenta
grieving - sofrendo
window - janela
natural - natural
pentagram - pentagrama
cleveland - cleveland
buzzed - zumbido
stuff - coisa
remember - lembrar
charges - cobranças
believe - acreditam
airline - cia aérea
denton - Denton
green - verde
while - enquanto
ayatollah - aiatolá
coming - chegando
change - mudança
hotel - hotel
night - noite
california - Califórnia
quentin - quentin
amped - Amped
drums - bateria
center - centro
caught - apanhado
about - sobre
dodging - evitando
getting - obtendo
telling - dizendo
barbecue - churrasco
nagging - ranzinza
shark - Tubarão
always - sempre
innocent - inocente
eating - comendo
named - nomeado
blocks - blocos
everybody - todo mundo
bristol - Bristol
bludgeoned - espancado
something - alguma coisa
black - preto
causes - causas
electrician - eletricista
three - três
scared - assustada
evans - evans
khomeini - khomeini
dollar - dólar
headlines - manchetes
crashing - falhando
southern - sul
reading - leitura
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