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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Telling the world - Taio Cruz

Telling the world - Taio Cruz

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Every part in my heart I'm giving out

Every song on my lips I'm singing out

Any fear in my soul I'm letting go

And anyone who asks I'll let them know

She's the one, she's the one

I say it loud

She's the one, she's the one

I say it proud

Ring a bell, Ring a bell

For the whole crowd

Ring a bell, Ring a bell

I'm telling the world

That I've found a girl

The one I can live for

The one who deserves

Every part in my heart I'm giving out

Every song on my lips I'm singing out

Any fear in my soul I'm letting go

And anyone who asks I'll let them know

She's the one, she's the one

I say it loud

She's the one, she's the one

I say it proud

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