Like the brutal autumn sun

It dawns on me, what have I done?

Saying sorry ain't as good as saying why

But it buys me a little more time

Lost in the moment for a second time

Each fucking doubt I make, unleash a cry

I'm just pathetic, that's the reason why

In desperation, all that you can do is ask me why

Cause I'm a man, woman

Don't always think before I do

Cause I'm a man, woman

That's the only answer I've got for you

woman - Mulher
weakness - fraqueza
unleash - desencadear
think - pensar
takes - leva
source - fonte
sorry - desculpa
second - segundo
saying - dizendo
reason - razão
proud - orgulhoso
pride - orgulho
prone - propenso
overruled - anulado
often - frequentemente
never - nunca
wanna - quero
strong - forte
before - antes
cause - causa
choose - escolher
little - pequeno
slide - deslizar
autumn - outono
desperation - desespero
pathetic - patético
again - novamente
voice - voz
moment - momento
control - ao controle
accept - aceitar
always - sempre
greater - maior
dawns - amanhecer
aware - consciente
brutal - brutal
doubt - dúvida
fucking - fodendo
answer - responda
speak - falar
conscience - consciência
defeat - derrota
fooled - enganado
human - humano
force - força

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