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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Beltsville Blues - The Amity Affliction

Beltsville Blues - The Amity Affliction

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Oh yeah!

Can you feel me on the outside, waiting?

Can you feel me on the outside, waiting?

Can you feel the weight taking me away?

Can you see me on the inside fading?

Inside fading...


Look at the mess I've made

Take me down, down, down

Carry me away

Oh baby, ooh, look at the mess I've made

Let me drown, drown, drown, in the water, babe


(Drown, drown, drown, in the water, babe)

Down the river, make my heart stop my beating

Down the river, make my heart stop my beating

Can you hear the sound of them underground?

All my hurt is on the inside, wailing

Inside, wailing

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