Gypsy gal, the hands of Harlem

Cannot hold you to its heat

Your temperature's too hot for taming

Your flaming feet burn up the street

I am homeless come and take me

Into reach of your rattling drums

Let me know babe about my fortune

Down along my restless palms

Gypsy gal, you got me swallowed

trace - vestígio
swallowed - engoliu
slayed - matou
since - desde a
riding - equitação
restless - inquieto
really - realmente
wildcat - gato selvagem
please - por favor
place - lugar, colocar
laugh - rir
night - noite
drowning - afogamento
cliffs - falésias
hands - mãos
nearly - por pouco
charms - encantos
fallen - caído
teeth - dentes
taming - domesticando
rattling - chacoalhando
along - ao longo
street - rua
beneath - abaixo
drums - bateria
diamond - diamante
harlem - harlem
about - sobre
pitch - pitch
pearly - perolado
cannot - não podes
gotta - tenho que
gypsy - cigano
black - preto
flaming - flamejante
slashing - cortando
flashing - piscando
fortune - fortuna
where - onde
surround - surround
heels - calcanhares
there - há
reach - alcance
palms - palmeiras
homeless - sem casa

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