I've been thinking about you, my love
And all the crazy things that you put me through
Now I'm coming around, throwing it back to you
Were you think of me, when you kissed him
Could you taste me when you licked his skin
And all that while I showered you with trust and promises
What I'm needing now is some sweet revenge
To get back all that I lost then
I gave you all I had to give, but I could never reach you
words - palavras
twice - duas vezes
trust - confiar em
throwing - jogando
through - através
thought - pensamento
while - enquanto
thinking - pensando
sweet - doce
spent - gasto
should - devemos
really - realmente
taste - gosto
reach - alcance
showered - tomou banho
advice - conselho
cared - cuidei
before - antes
about - sobre
coming - chegando
kissed - beijou
shining - brilhando
chorus - coro
these - estes
never - nunca
other - de outros
walking - caminhando
treated - tratado
again - novamente
think - pensar
things - coisas
alone - sozinho
could - poderia
revenge - vingança
needing - precisando
crazy - louco
drove - dirigiu
gonna - vai
laugh - rir
around - por aí
burnt - queimado
licked - lambeu
money - dinheiro
promises - promessas
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