I want love

To carry me through

All the moments, I'd kindly undo

Locked away

So I can feel safe

Now that I'm down on my knees, begging for change

Look down at the water

Before I jump in

To find I was sinking fast, in all that might have been

water - agua
there - há
surrender - entrega
sinking - afundando
night - noite
mistakes - erros
black - preto
answer - responda
cause - causa
after - depois de
remember - lembrar
moments - momentos
drink - beber
change - mudança
turning - giro
flowed - fluíram
kindly - gentilmente
honest - honesto
without - sem
still - ainda
might - poderia
again - novamente
better - melhor
through - através
pleasure - prazer
knees - joelhos
before - antes
carry - levar
dress - vestir
supposed - suposto
locked - trancado
final - final
hands - mãos
begging - implorando
heart - coração
holding - segurando
things - coisas
light - luz

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