It was a day just like this

In a life of our times

Shrugging signs there's no chance for us

It's not mine to decide

You never listened to what I said

you never thought I'd succeed

And though I've given you all I can

You show no faith in me


And I remember, and I recall

through - através
times - vezes
though - apesar
skies - céus
shrugging - encolher os ombros
shelter - abrigo
scream - grito
right - certo
remember - lembrar
gonna - vai
reign - reinado
pressure - pressão
faith - fé
wrong - errado
chorus - coro
never - nunca
decide - decidir
coming - chegando
signs - sinais
always - sempre
invisible - invisível
where - onde
thought - pensamento
blame - culpa
opinions - opiniões
thing - coisa
forever - para sempre
chance - chance
falter - vacilar
recall - recordar
succeed - ter sucesso
changed - mudou
given - dado
outcast - exilado
learning - aprendendo
listened - ouvido
louder - mais alto
myself - eu mesmo

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