"Another World
Another Time
In The Age Of Wonder
Another World
Another Time
This Land Was Green & Good
Until The Crystal Cracked
Once More
They Will Replenish Themselves
Cheat death again
The Power Of Their Source
The Crystal"
I've got the understanding of a 4-year-old
I've got the piece of mind of a killer soul
I've got the rationale of a new york cop
world - mundo
wonder - maravilha
understanding - compreensão
themselves - si mesmos
their - deles
source - fonte
sleep - dormir
seasoned - temperado
rationale - lógica
teeth - dentes
cause - causa
train - trem
souls - almas
crystal - cristal
think - pensar
cheat - enganação
again - novamente
eating - comendo
replenish - reabastecimento
chopping - cortando
breathe - respirar
power - poder
another - outro
billion - bilhão
until - até
comprehension - compreensão
piece - peça
green - verde
block - quadra
coming - chegando
crushing - esmagamento
cracked - rachado
freight - frete
everybody - todo mundo
unaware - inconsciente
killer - assassino
falling - queda
patience - paciência
death - morte
noise - barulho
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