I’ve seen this one before, the girl she gets away

Everybody knows it but no one tries to stop it

Cause she barely even knows him but if she could see inside

Everything is quiet as she waits to tell him who she is

Is this all we get to be absolute

Quiet but I’m sure there is something here

Tell me everything cause I want to hear

It’s a kiss sits upon on her lips that waits for planes and battle ships

years - anos
wants - quer
waits - espera
trouble - problema
tries - tenta
there - há
sparks - faíscas
everything - tudo
everybody - todo mundo
every - cada
planes - aviões
dancer - dançarino
could - poderia
sailor - marinheiro
night - noite
absolute - absoluto
before - antes
battle - batalha
taken - ocupado
cause - causa
innocent - inocente
barely - mal
knows - sabe
something - alguma coisa
inside - dentro
never - nunca
photographs - fotografias
upwards - para cima
picture - cenário
ships - navios
quiet - quieto

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