This is the new sound
Don't like the government, I like the bass up
I'm not alone, the youth is waking up
I don't fit in with your society
The rules they make for you, they don't apply to me
I wanna sing, you wanna censor me
You got control but it makes me act defensively
So listen up, you want perfection?
youth - juventude
wrong - errado
wring - torcer
wanna - quero
waking - acordando
stand - ficar de pé
rules - regras
progressing - progredindo
sweat - suor
depressing - deprimente
control - ao controle
survive - sobreviver
preventing - impedindo
defensively - defensivamente
think - pensar
alone - sozinho
depression - depressão
discretion - critério
earthquake - tremor de terra
music - música
society - sociedade
perfection - perfeição
together - juntos
about - sobre
apply - aplique
correction - correção
weather - clima
trust - confiar em
deception - decepção
direction - direção
sound - som
giving - dando
censor - censurar
government - governo
listen - ouço
makes - faz com que
bottled - engarrafado
melody - melodia
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