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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música One of the survivors - The Kinks

One of the survivors - The Kinks

Letras de músicas
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Sung by Johnny Thunder and Chorus)

See Johnny Thunder sitting on his motorbike

Riding along the highway,

Rock and Roll songs from the nineteen-fifties

Buzzing around in his brain.

Johnny Thunder he's one of the original bebop generation

And he's got no time for complicated music or too much sophistication.

He's one of the survivors,

The motorbike riders.

You ought to see Johnny Thunder riding down the highway

One of the rock and roll survivors,

Twelve bars flowing through his brain.

He digs Jerry Lee Lewis, Dion and The Belmonts,

And Johnny and The Hurricanes.

He plays Hound Dog, Oh Boy, and Great Balls of Fire

And Boppin' At The High School Hop.

And he's got no time for phonies or posers

'Cos they don't know how to reel and rock.

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