Black and white The Neighbourhood
The west coast is the best coast
The best smoke, the best weather
The best bitches, can't wait 'till my flight land
G-Eazy fuck with us
When I get back to California
I'll see my sister and my momma
I'll tell my friends about my fast life
Because they know me from my past life
When I get back to California
I'll smoke a pound of marijuana
I'll sit inside and watch the sun set
All by myself in my apartment
Oh, I'll take the long way home
When I get back to California
I hope I push my paranoia
I'm parched because I'm not a god
I've got no time to kill
But when I get home
white - branco
while - enquanto
weather - clima
wants - quer
wanna - quero
walks - anda em
until - até
tryna - tryna
touring - passeando
thinking - pensando
summer - verão
storage - armazenamento
either - ou
dream - sonhe
parched - seca
flight - voar
everybody - todo mundo
california - Califórnia
through - através
coast - costa
momma - mãe
chill - calafrio
around - por aí
apartment - apartamento
finally - finalmente
twenties - vinte anos
about - sobre
black - preto
faded - desbotado
going - indo
always - sempre
matrix - matriz
alone - sozinho
bitches - cadelas
favor - favor
expensive - caro
shining - brilhando
brain - cérebro
cells - células
friends - amigos
watch - assistir
inside - dentro
fucking - fodendo
killing - matando
maneuvering - manobra
phone - telefone
marijuana - maconha
paranoia - paranóia
feeling - sentindo-me
right - certo
might - poderia
still - ainda
because - porque
myself - eu mesmo
neighbourhood - bairro
penthouse - cobertura
really - realmente
pound - libra
sister - irmã
slice - fatia
smoke - fumaça
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