When I first came to London I was only sixteen

With a fiver in my pocket and my ole dancing bag

I went down to the dilly to check out the scene

But I soon ended up upon the old main drag

There the he-males and the she-males paraded in style

And the old man with the money would flash you a smile

In the dark of an alley you would work for a five

For a swift one off the wrist down on the old main drag

In the cold winter nights the old town it was chill

wrist - pulso
would - seria
wished - desejava
winter - inverno
vomit - vomitar
there - há
style - estilo
street - rua
square - quadrado
smile - sorrir
ended - terminou
dying - morrendo
males - machos
doors - portas
dilly - dilly
dancing - dançando
dribble - driblar
sixteen - dezesseis
chill - calafrio
pocket - carteira
station - Estação
cheap - barato
lying - deitado
coppers - coppers
cajole - persuadir
mauled - maltratado
abused - abusado
beaten - espancado
between - entre
paraded - desfilaram
along - ao longo
swift - rápido
scene - cena
always - sempre
cafes - cafés
balls - bolas
kicked - chutado
check - verifica
nights - noites
booze - bebidas alcoólicas
first - primeiro
looks - parece
could - poderia
fiver - fiver
evening - tarde
grovel - grovel
alley - beco
flash - instantâneo
london - Londres
money - dinheiro
about - sobre
metal - metal
escape - escapar
picked - escolhido
pills - pílulas
raped - estuprada
ruined - arruinado
shout - gritar

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