I have always been different I like to be
But every time they got something to say to me
One day I had to be, I made a different me
But got trouble next day I went school, you see
Two big fellows, which don't much about like in me
Put me in to the games where I don't wanna be
In other words no one don't like me there
Sometimes I really care
I can't be myself
Then one day I didn't meet the chosen one
would - seria
words - palavras
which - qual
those - essa
there - há
still - ainda
think - pensar
something - alguma coisa
school - escola
right - certo
decisions - decisões
chosen - escolhido
drugs - drogas
nobody - ninguém
trouble - problema
really - realmente
belong - pertencer
where - onde
earth - Terra
different - diferente
about - sobre
wanna - quero
feelings - sentimentos
always - sempre
begun - começou
sometimes - as vezes
inside - dentro
nothing - nada
turned - virou
should - devemos
every - cada
feeling - sentindo-me
along - ao longo
fellows - companheiros
friend - amigos
gonna - vai
games - jogos
other - de outros
cannot - não podes
myself - eu mesmo
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