I'm crawling back into the shadow where I've always been
My life laid out before me why do I pretend
I'm screaming out with all I have and still there's no one listening, no one hears me struggling
In the wind the leaves have fallen,
but the fire's still ablaze
And there's a mesmerizing picture, but all you see's the frame
Do we fight for what we stand for, or is this a losing game.
Here I am, like a ghost among the men
And here I stand, I walk alone again.
You talk in whispers but I hear exactly what you say
where - onde
struggling - lutando
trapped - preso
stand - ficar de pé
shadow - sombra
pride - orgulho
picture - cenário
other - de outros
their - deles
mesmerizing - fascinante
memory - memória
these - estes
listening - ouvindo
whispers - sussurros
listen - ouço
leaves - sai
behind - atrás
tonight - esta noite
starts - começa
among - entre
there - há
hears - ouve
always - sempre
swallow - andorinha
alone - sozinho
losing - perdendo
afraid - receoso
crawling - rastejando
after - depois de
break - pausa
screaming - gritando
define - definir
still - ainda
again - novamente
ablaze - em chamas
fallen - caído
empty - vazio
exactly - exatamente
accusations - acusações
feast - festa
pretend - faz de conta
judgement - julgamento
before - antes
fight - luta
frame - quadro, armação
ghost - fantasma
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