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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Blow Me (Feat. Jason Butler of The Fever 333) - The Used

Blow Me (Feat. Jason Butler of The Fever 333) - The Used

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

It felt so heavy in my hands

Looking scary through your window

It wasn't really what Iplanned

Ididn't think it'dbe so simple

Blow me away

You wannablow me away

Away, away

What if you found a gun?

Would you use it like I did?

Put a bullet in my head

I don't think you could

No, it isn't in your blood

The little boy inside my head

What if you found a gun?

Look what I did, I made a mess

Blood on my hands is sentimental

Could be that I was just depressed

It's never ever gonna end, no

Blow me away

You wanna blow me away


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