Some kinds of love
Marguerita told Tom
Between thought and expression lies a lifetime
Situations arise because of the weather
and no kinds of love
are better than others
Some kinds of love
Margueirta told Tom
like a dirty French novel
the absured courts the vulgar
and some kinds of love
the possibilites are endless
wealth - riqueza
vulgar - vulgar
thought - pensamento
straight - direto
still - ainda
situations - situações
vision - visão
shoulder - ombro
recoil - recuo
which - qual
pajamas - pijamas
others - outras
weather - clima
novel - romance
moist - úmido
courts - tribunais
charmless - sem charme
endless - sem fim
carpet - tapete
french - francês
about - sobre
groundless - sem fundamento
course - curso
arise - surgir
expression - expressão
finds - encontra
kinds - tipos
because - porque
would - seria
better - melhor
dirty - sujo
between - entre
jelly - geléia
culprit - culpado
lifetime - tempo de vida
division - divisão
makes - faz com que
mistaken - confundido
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