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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Born Again - Thousand Foot Krutch

Born Again - Thousand Foot Krutch

Letras de músicas
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I tried, but I just can't get out of this

It's got me tied like the waves come in

When this thing hits me, I start it again

Cause I could drown just by holdin' it in

I want it

I got it

I'm done hittin' the bottom

I can taste it I'm so close

Tired of bein' haunted

I'm an addict of habit

Don't hide me in the attic

I'm an angel if I can stay plugged in again

I've been diggin' in high and low

To find the world I know

But I can't seem to find a thing

Feel stronger now than I've ever been

So won't you let me in

I feel like I've been born again

Like a time bomb ticking at the scene of a crime

Its going down if I let it again

Blow the roof sky high like the fourth of July

Im all or nothing if Im lettin' it in

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