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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Incomplete - Thousand Foot Krutch

Incomplete - Thousand Foot Krutch

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

No one knows the walls

that we've climbed,

the knots we've untied,

the shots that we've fired.

I have a lot of "friends"

who want what we've made

but don't know the pain,

the beasts that we've slain.

There's a lot of sharks

that swim in these waters,

they came for your sons,

they came for your daughters.

If you got a lot of heat,

it just makes it hotter,

the blood in this water's making us stronger.

(No one knows the walls that we've climbed,

the knots we've untied,

the shots that we've fired.

I have a lot of "friends"

who want what we've made

but don't know the pain,

the beasts that we've slain.)

We fight,

we bleed,

we live,

we breathe,

we fall beneath... Incomplete.

We rise,

we fall,

we chase it all,

we raise it up... Incomplete.

No one sees the space that we speed,

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