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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Heaven - Todrick Hall

Heaven - Todrick Hall

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

I have faith enough to know the end is nothing but a new beginning

Here today and gone tomorrow and the world will just continue spinning

I could try to leave behind the kind of legacy they might diminish

Or I could fight and die for human kind and I'm not finished yet

Though my flesh might fade to dust

Will my heart be changed to gold

Well I guess we'll never know until we know

And if there's a heaven

I know the angels gotta be listening

Somebody tell them

That there's something we've gotta be missing

I don't know if I'll see my tomorrow

If I do lord take my soul

And when I get in

I promise to send out a message from heaven

I'm convinced this complicated game of life is just a simple riddle

The answer isn't do or die or wrong or right it's hiding in the middle