There's a panda in the chandelier

Oh what have we got here? what have we got here?

Well I'll tell you how it got up there

This is a story of a young girls flair

For throwing pandas

It was her fathers friends wedding day

And she was dragged along, as is the way,

For the poor young ones.

wedding - casamento
timing - cronometragem
throwing - jogando
thing - coisa
there - há
their - deles
story - história
serious - grave
before - antes
fathers - pais
along - ao longo
frown - franzir a testa
friends - amigos
through - através
stick - bastão
panda - panda
dragged - arrastada
flung - jogado
happen - acontecer
about - sobre
young - jovem
pandas - pandas
ladder - escada
girls - meninas
handy - acessível
floor - chão
happy - feliz
swing - balanço
chandelier - lustre
ladders - escadas
never - nunca
flair - flair
normally - normalmente
people - pessoas

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