Smelling like a brewery, looking like a tramp,
I ain't got a quarter, got a postage stamp
Been five o'clock shadow boxing all around the town,
Talking with the old man, sleeping on the ground
Bazanti bootin al zootin al hoot and Al Cohn
Sharing this apartment with a telephone pole
And a fish-net stocking, spike-heel shoes,
Strip tease, prick tease, car keys blues
And the porno floor show, live nude girls,
Dreamy and creamy and brunette curls
Chesty Morgan and Watermelon Rose
Raise my rent and take off all your clothes
With trench coats, magazines, a bottle full of rum,
She's so good, make a dead man come
Pasties and a G-string, beer and a shot
Portland through a shot glass and a Buffalo squeeze
yelling - gritante
wrinkles - rugas
tunes - músicas
trench - trincheira
telephone - telefone
talking - falando
sweetheart - amada
strip - faixa
string - corda
stamp - carimbo
something - alguma coisa
shelly - shelly
sharing - compartilhando
shaking - tremendo
squashing - esmagamento
shadow - sombra
smelling - cheirando
ready - pronto
raise - levantar
quarter - trimestre
porno - porno
popcorn - pipoca
stage - etapa
squeeze - aperto
portland - Portland
pinkie - mindinho
stocking - meia
pasties - Pasties
prick - prick
paree - paree
night - noite
chopped - picado
chinese - chinês
cherry - cereja
thighs - coxas
higher - superior
cheers - felicidades
floor - chão
postage - porte postal
looking - olhando
lowered - abaixou
awful - horrível
butts - pontas
cheater - trapaceiro
sugared - açucarado
spike - espigão
cares - se preocupa
magazines - revistas
sleeping - dormindo
burlesque - burlesco
cigarette - cigarro
compendium - compêndio
ground - chão
belly - barriga
buffalo - búfalo
around - por aí
chesty - chesty
blues - blues
twinkie - twinkie
shoes - sapatos
front - frente
brunette - morena
morgan - morgan
channeled - canalizado
bottle - garrafa
shots - tiros
cleavage - decote
dreamy - sonhadores
brewery - cervejaria
curls - cachos
harder - mais difíceis
jelly - geléia
early - cedo
clothes - roupas
boxing - boxe
crawling - rastejando
watermelon - Melancia
creamy - cremoso
lipstick - batom
moons - luas
tomorrow - amanhã
tease - provocação
getting - obtendo
coats - casacos
girls - meninas
tramp - vagabundo
through - através
little - pequeno
glass - vidro
apartment - apartamento
matinee - matinê
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