Small Change got rained on with his own thirty-eight,

And nobody flinched down by the arcade

And the marquees weren't weeping, they went stark-raving mad,

And the cabbies were the only ones that really had it made

And his cold trousers were twisted, and the sirens high and shrill,

And crumpled in his fist was a five-dollar bill

And the naked mannequins with their Cheshire grins,

And the raconteurs and roustabouts said "Buddy, come on in, 'cause

'Cause the dreams ain't broken down here now, they're walking with a limp

Now that Small Change got rained on with his own thirty-eight"

And nobody flinched down by the arcade

And the burglar alarm's been disconnected,

And the newsmen start to rattle

And the cops are telling jokes about some whorehouse in Seattle

And the fire hydrants plead the Fifth Amendment

And the furniture is bargains galore

But the blood is by the jukebox on an old linoleum floor

And what a hot rain on Forty-Second Street,

wreck - destruir
whores - putas
whorehouse - bordel
watch - assistir
wallet - carteira
walking - caminhando
until - até
trousers - calças
tragic - trágico
jukebox - juke-box
tuberculosis - tuberculose
galore - abundância
stains - manchas
cough - tosse
plead - implorar
forty - quarenta
crumpled - amassado
stark - rígido
fistful - punhado
stetson - stetson
thing - coisa
copped - copped
gumball - bola de chiclete
steaming - cozinhando
broken - partido
arcade - videogames
wheeze - sibilância
blood - sangue
whole - todo
hydrants - hidrantes
blades - lâminas
furniture - mobília
racing - competindo
twisted - torcido
baseball - baseball
about - sobre
boots - chuteiras
floor - chão
cashier - caixa
siren - sirene
eight - oito
chewing - mastigando
naked - nu
street - rua
umbrellas - guarda-chuvas
amendment - alteração
dollars - dólares
razor - navalha
pants - calça
start - começar
weeping - chorando
bargains - pechinchas
burglar - assaltante
south - sul
cabbies - taxistas
dollar - dólar
linoleum - linóleo
dreams - sonhos
cards - cartões
chance - chance
grins - sorrisos
sirens - sirenes
buddy - camarada
jokes - piadas
cheshire - pas!
close - fechar
expect - espero
telling - dizendo
teens - [object Object]
night - noite
teeth - dentes
christmas - [object Object]
cools - esfria
someone - alguém
fifth - quinto
stilettos - estiletes
circled - em círculos
clothing - roupas
lunatic - lunático
machine - máquina
store - loja
mannequins - manequins
sidewalk - calçada
mouths - bocas
prophylactics - профилактика
shrill - estridente
nelson - nelson
newsboy - jornaleiro
newsmen - jornalistas
flinched - estremeceu
tears - lágrimas
nobody - ninguém
skirts - saias
pocket - carteira
change - mudança
rained - choveu
porkpie - torta de porco
rattle - chocalho
small - pequeno
raving - delirante

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