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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Small Change (Got Rained on with His Own .38) - Tom Waits

Small Change (Got Rained on with His Own .38) - Tom Waits

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Small Change got rained on with his own thirty-eight,

And nobody flinched down by the arcade

And the marquees weren't weeping, they went stark-raving mad,

And the cabbies were the only ones that really had it made

And his cold trousers were twisted, and the sirens high and shrill,

And crumpled in his fist was a five-dollar bill

And the naked mannequins with their Cheshire grins,

And the raconteurs and roustabouts said "Buddy, come on in, 'cause

'Cause the dreams ain't broken down here now, they're walking with a limp

Now that Small Change got rained on with his own thirty-eight"

And nobody flinched down by the arcade

And the burglar alarm's been disconnected,

And the newsmen start to rattle

And the cops are telling jokes about some whorehouse in Seattle

And the fire hydrants plead the Fifth Amendment

And the furniture is bargains galore

But the blood is by the jukebox on an old linoleum floor

And what a hot rain on Forty-Second Street,

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