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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música The One That Got Away - Tom Waits

The One That Got Away - Tom Waits

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Well this gigolo's jumping salty, ain't no trade out on the streets,

Half past the unlucky, and the hawk's a front-row seat

Dressed in full orchestration, stage-door Johnny's got to pay,

And sent him home talking 'bout the one that got away

Could have been on Easy Street, could have been a wheel,

With irons in the fire and all them business deals

But the last of the big-time losers shouted before he drove away,

"I'll be right back, as soon as I crack the one that got away"

Well, the ambulance drivers, they don't give a shit,

They just want to get off work, and

The short stop and the victim are already gone berserk

And the shroud-tailor measures him for a deep-six holiday,

The stiff is froze, the case is closed on the one that got away