Foolish was I to have believed you
Insufferable acts did I endure
I never betrayed, never deceived you
Was always behaved, ever demure
So long to all the poetry of emotion
It’s crumpled up and strewn upon the floor
So long to all the sunflowers in my garden
For they’ll not taste the raindrops anymore
Betrayed by your whispered lullabies and empty cries
The lake damming up all my solemn pride has left me dry
Forsake all of the thousand counterfeit sighs
You fake it
within - dentro
violets - violetas
thousand - mil
thorns - espinhos
sunlight - luz solar
sunflowers - girassóis
strewn - strewn
signs - sinais
sighs - suspiros
demure - recatador
deceived - enganou
church - igreja
damming - represamento
cries - chora
cannot - não podes
solemn - solene
fairytales - contos de fadas
insufferable - insuportável
crumpled - amassado
heart - coração
betrayed - traiu
score - ponto
believe - acreditam
beneath - abaixo
settle - resolver
beyond - além
forsake - abandone
pride - orgulho
devotion - devoção
before - antes
anymore - não mais
every - cada
behaved - comportou-se
never - nunca
believed - acreditava
counterfeit - falsificado
could - poderia
ignored - ignorado
retrieval - recuperação
sleeping - dormindo
beauty - beleza
besieged - assediado
awaken - despertar
emotion - emoção
empty - vazio
harmony - harmonia
whispered - sussurrou
always - sempre
lullabies - canções de ninar
sanctity - santidade
endure - suportar
enough - suficiente
taste - gosto
poetry - poesia
floor - chão
foolish - insensato
garden - jardim
wasted - desperdiçado
mistaken - confundido
raindrops - pingos de chuva
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