Insist on taking the path of least resistance

Less hurdles to jump at first with less consistency

It’s fine, as long as you go and roll with all the punches

With your rubber-ball-thick-skinned-novocain-impervious self

You’re telling yourself that it’s not so bad...

You sweet, sweet fool

You know, you could have it all

But you keep it inside till you feel the tremors way down inside your blood and bones

You sweet, sweet fool

You so could have had it all

But you’re determined to walk down your path of least resistance

worse - pior
wicked - perverso
while - enquanto
thinking - pensando
sweet - doce
watch - assistir
skinned - esfolado
tethered - amarrado
shelf - estante
telling - dizendo
shaking - tremendo
rubber - borracha
resistance - resistência
punches - golpes
molehill - molehill
through - através
consistency - consistência
taking - levando
first - primeiro
comes - vem
could - poderia
choice - escolha
insist - insistir
witch - bruxa
cracks - rachaduras
mustang - mustang
blinding - cega
thick - grosso
bones - ossos
tremors - tremores
blood - sangue
apples - maçãs
yourself - você mesmo
dream - sonhe
andreas - andreas
poisoned - envenenado
earthquake - tremor de terra
least - pelo menos
impervious - impermeável
mountain - montanha
inside - dentro
determined - determinado
gloss - lustro
heart - coração
darkness - trevas
hurdles - obstáculos

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