Crucial is the tie that binds

But I refuse to be defined by the power you’re believing is a rarity

A blessing thrown into reverse

Never meant to be and turning worse

Blocking any chance of finding clarity

Hold onto me

I’ll be your landing strip

Let your anger out

You’d never hurt me

If you’re curious, I owe you

Dig deeper into me

Your fate is to be mastered

And I’ll make you feel it

If you want to know, I’ll show you

Come closer and you’ll see

That my name is your disaster

And I’ll make you scream it

Fusion of the heart and mind

I tried and failed; I’m not that kind

You’d better up and leave ‘cause I’m a hurricane

A vandal, damage is my game

wrong - errado
would - seria
worse - pior
vandal - вандал
turning - giro
tried - tentou
thrown - jogado
there - há
tempt - tentado
kneel - ajoelhar
before - antes
change - mudança
chance - chance
furious - furioso
cause - causa
believe - acreditam
anger - raiva
never - nunca
better - melhor
aching - doendo
believing - acreditando
crucial - crucial
hurricane - furacão
think - pensar
binds - зв'язує
though - apesar
blessing - bênção
damage - danificar
deeper - deeper
closer - mais perto
clarity - clareza
defined - definiram
blocking - bloqueando
catastrophe - catástrofe
desert - deserto
refuse - recusar
finding - encontrando
fusion - fusão
landing - aterrissagem
disaster - desastre
might - poderia
strip - faixa
still - ainda
leave - sair
failed - falhou
power - poder
mastered - dominado
meant - significava
naive - ingênuo
rarity - raridade
curious - curioso
converted - convertido
reverse - marcha ré
tighten - apertar
heart - coração
rules - regras
scream - grito
crack - crack
stand - ficar de pé

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