After the battle is over

And the sands drunken the blood

All what there remains

Is the bitterness of delusion

The immortality of the gods

Sits at their side

As they leave the walls behind

To reach the jewels gleam

The days have come

When the steel will rule

And upon his head

A crown of gold

Your hand wields the might

The tyrant's the precursor

warrior - guerreiro
victory - vitória
their - deles
tales - contos
steel - aço
mystery - mistério
morning - manhã
might - poderia
sands - areias
leave - sair
there - há
reach - alcance
kingdoms - reinos
carry - levar
remains - permanece
cannot - não podes
battle - batalha
circle - círculo
delusion - ilusão
wields - exerce
hunts - caças
drunken - bêbado
where - onde
tyrants - tiranos
blood - sangue
precursor - precursor
behind - atrás
winds - ventos
tears - lágrimas
darkness - trevas
walls - paredes
glory - glória
defeat - derrota
everlasting - eterno
shadows - sombras
frozen - congeladas
after - depois de
gleam - brilho
ballads - baladas
grotesque - grotesco
often - frequentemente
immortality - imortalidade
bitterness - amargura
crown - coroa
jewels - jóias

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