I went out walking through streets paved with gold
Lifted some stones
Saw the skin and bones of a city without a soul
I went out walking under an atomic sky
Where the ground won't turn and the rain
It burns like the tears when I said goodbye
Yeah I went with nothing
Nothing but the thought of you
I went wandering
I went drifting through the capitals of tin
Where men can't walk or freely talk
And sons turn their fathers in
I stopped outside a church house
Where the citizens like to sit
They say they want the kingdom
But they don't want God in it
would - seria
without - sem
where - onde
under - sob
jesus - Jesus
house - casa
heavy - pesado
there - há
lifted - levantado
goodbye - tchau
wandering - vagando
experience - experiência
heart - coração
eight - oito
tears - lágrimas
looking - olhando
bible - bíblia
their - deles
freely - livremente
kingdom - reino
riding - equitação
burns - queima
fathers - pais
searching - procurando
atomic - atômico
walking - caminhando
capitals - capitais
church - igreja
papers - papéis
nothing - nada
before - antes
break - pausa
drifting - à deriva
thousand - mil
ground - chão
citizens - cidadãos
outside - lado de fora
stopped - parado
passed - passado
taste - gosto
paved - pavimentou
repents -
right - certo
search - pesquisa
signs - sinais
spirit - espírito
stones - pedras
thought - pensamento
bones - ossos
through - através
streets - ruas
touch - tocar
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