Looking for that Paradise
that I dreamt of years ago
Now I'm walking through this dark long empty street
Do I really give it all
to say I tried if I fall?
Many long years walking but I'm always here
And it feels like I waste my life away
We're like soldiers just walking in the rain
And even if we're going nowhere
we still have our dreams
Gotta believe
Sometimes when I'm losing faith
I stop running to watch you live
years - anos
waste - desperdício
through - através
watch - assistir
things - coisas
standing - parado
sometimes - as vezes
someday - algum dia
feels - sente
handling - manipulação
walking - caminhando
still - ainda
empty - vazio
never - nunca
faith - fé
dreams - sonhos
street - rua
believe - acreditam
tried - tentou
always - sempre
could - poderia
break - pausa
going - indo
paradise - paraíso
flowers - flores
nowhere - lugar algum
gotta - tenho que
happy - feliz
looking - olhando
losing - perdendo
running - corrida
dreamt - sonhou
really - realmente
those - essa
soldiers - soldados
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