oh the moon was full and the color of blood

the night the pirates came to the vampire club

their leader was tall and snide and slim

he looked like a gay captain morgan

well, he recognized a vampire from his school

and he did something that was most uncool

he said 'hey everybody, see the fool in the cape?

his name is bernie weinstein and he's in the 8th grade!'

fangs were flying, capes were torn

hell hath no fury like a vampire scorned

the number one rule in this game:

never call one by his real name

upside - parte de cima
undead - morto-vivo
uncool - não legal
still - ainda
something - alguma coisa
while - enquanto
their - deles
snaggletooth - joelho
there - há
school - escola
really - realmente
pulled - puxado
avoid - evitar
contacts - contatos
color - cor
capes - čepice
boots - chuteiras
vampire - vampiro
called - chamado
broke - quebrou
cause - causa
gaggle - mordida
blood - sangue
another - outro
recognized - reconhecido
laughed - riu
angst - angústia
night - noite
snide - esconderijo
anything - qualquer coisa
always - sempre
morgan - morgan
scorned - desprezado
bernie - Bernie
crushed - esmagado
pointy - pontudo
around - por aí
black - preto
missi - missi
heads - cabeças
singing - cantando
drain - drenar
after - depois de
danced - dançou
believe - acreditam
fangs - colmilhos
dressed - vestido
everybody - todo mundo
fight - luta
flushed - corado
goths - góticos
grade - grau
ladies - senhoras
rivet - rebite
never - nunca
flying - vôo
leader - líder
peaceful - pacífico
captain - capitão
looked - olhou
orders - ordens
number - número
pirates - piratas
puddle - poça

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