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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música I Felt Younger When We Met - Waterparks

I Felt Younger When We Met - Waterparks

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

I said I love you to death

So I must be dead

It makes me sick youknowmy skin

My sinsare all built in

You know, soI must be dead

It makes me sick you know my skin

My freckles and my hands, you know

I've never seen a face with your type of shine

You moved in behind my eyes and built yourself a shrine

But then you ran away

And you left the picture frames

Now I don't see my face the same

Do you see

You're the reason I can't sleep?

Lose it where your head should be

In the dark between my sheets

Do you see

You're the reason I can't sleep?

Lose it where your head should be

In the dark between my sheets

I said I love you to death

So I must be dead

It makes me sick you know my skin

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