Let this be the day that I stop to care and pour my hate upon this world
Look me in the eyes, tell me you don't feel the same anymore
Look me in my fucking eyes
Fuck what you think
I'm so sick of all these people pretending like they don't have a darkness,
world - mundo
where - onde
through - através
these - estes
there - há
throat - garganta
edges - arestas
coincide - coincidir
harness - arnês
people - pessoas
anymore - não mais
choke - sufocar
created - criada
create - crio
fucking - fodendo
around - por aí
neglected - negligenciado
darkness - trevas
rough - rude
hated - odiou
learned - aprendido
lesson - lição
ourselves - nós mesmos
pretending - fingindo
think - pensar
things - coisas
light - luz
perfection - perfeição
blind - cego
minds - mentes
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