Free yourself that leash is long long long [x4]

I dreamt...

I was buried alive


Prognostic figure of speech to manifesto

Dr. Octagon move in the dark though

Multiply darkness, I'm the bright artist

Hologram image on the interface

vampires - vampiros
surgery - cirurgia
speech - discurso
smoke - fumaça
skies - céus
though - apesar
react - reagir
prognostic -
operate - operar
night - noite
multiply - multiplicar
medicine - remédio
octagon - octógono
manifesto - manifesto
eyeballs - globos oculares
dreamt - sonhou
block - quadra
yourself - você mesmo
purple - roxa
chemical - químico
buried - enterrado
image - imagem
darkness - trevas
flash - instantâneo
raise - levantar
inside - dentro
alive - vivo
interface - interface
artist - artista
figure - figura
hologram - holograma
hypnotize - hipnotizar
bright - brilhante
green - verde
leash - trela
clock - relógio
lights - luzes
machine - máquina
manage - gerir

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