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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Streets of Surrender (S.O.S.) (ft. Mark Knopf.. - Zucchero

Streets of Surrender (S.O.S.) (ft. Mark Knopf.. - Zucchero

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

[Verse 1]

Every man has got two cities he needs to be

The one he can touch and the one he cant see

The one where a strangers a friend

Everyman has got one city of liberty

For me its Paris, I love it

Every time I try to lose myself

I seem to find these streets of surrender


Youre free baby, baby

Free now and forever

Its Christmas time you can decide

To forget or to remember

Youre free baby, baby

I didnt come down here to fight you

I came here down these streets

Of love and pride to surrender

The streets of surrender

Of surrender

[Verse 2]

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