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Are you fucking
serious right now?
I hate people who are late.
We're trying to
see that product.
Yo, sleepy!
What's up, homie?
You know my cousin,
sad boy.
I think you got
the wrong guy, homes.
Oh, that's bullshit, man!
You sleepy!
Everyone say in the barrio,
"sleepy, he like the Mexican
Wolverine" and shit.
Hey, my partner here,
he want to see the product.
Why ain't he talking?
My name is Jeff.
That's jeffe, man.
Tell 'em about that crazy
adventure you guys had.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Oh, man,
when you were telling the story last night,
you had so much detail!
The detail was so rich!
It was a rich detail!
Go into incredibly
descriptive details
of the story, so we all know.
Oh, yes.
It was Dora and Diego
- And swiper.
- Swiper?
And who was that you
choked out, man?
He had it coming!
Who was that?
No, man, that wasn't boots!
Boots isn't a real name!
You got to tell them
the real story, man.
Start over from the top.
That's a made-up name.
I can't believe the punks
I have to deal with these days.
It really makes me
miss the '90s,
when we had
professionals around.
You want to check out the goods?
Check it out.
And shut up. Right?
Where'd you find
this gringo, man?
At the fucking Mumford & sons
concert and shit?
wrong - errado
fucking - fodendo
around - por aí
incredibly - incrivelmente
concert - show
barrio - bairro
boots - chuteiras
swiper - swiper
goods - bens
adventure - aventura
detail - detalhe
details - detalhes
bullshit - besteira
diego - diego
cousin - primo
makes - faz com que
night - noite
believe - acreditam
check - verifica
professionals - profissionais
homes - casas
coming - chegando
homie - homie
gringo - gringo
mexican - mexicano
mumford - Mumford
these - estes
partner - parceiro
people - pessoas
product - produtos
punks - punks
telling - dizendo
everyone - todos
really - realmente
right - certo
serious - grave
descriptive - descritivo
sleepy - sonolento
crazy - louco
choked - sufocado
start - começar
story - história
about - sobre
talking - falando
think - pensar
trying - tentando
wolverine - wolverine
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