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Annabel Richter, Mama.
Hello, Leyla. How are you?
Welcome to our house, Frau Annabel.
Nice to see you again.
- Come in. Come in please.
- Thank you.
The boy is good,
Frau Annabel. Do you understand?
If he has done something wrong,
it's because he had not...
Hello, Issa.
Uh, my name is Annabel Richter.
I am a lawyer.
I work with an organization
called Sanctuary North.
- Please?
- Okay.
Are you seeking asylum in Germany?
There has to be a reason.
Either you cannot return
to your country of origin
because your life would be in
danger or you have been tortured.
- Yes.
- Yes, what?
I have been tortured.
Forgive me, but this is my job.
I want to believe you,
but people make this claim all the time.
I have to...
Who did this to you?
I cannot help you unless
you are honest with me.
It's only a matter of time before the
German authorities will find you.
It's better for your case
if you go to them first.
I will never, never go back to Russia.
You will contact this man.
He will help me.
Mr. Thomas Brue.
wrong - errado
german - alemão
danger - perigo
return - retorna
house - casa
either - ou
country - país
authorities - autoridades
lawyer - advogado
north - norte
please - por favor
hello - Olá
forgive - perdoar
first - primeiro
contact - contato
germany - Alemanha
organization - organização
seeking - buscando
asylum - asilo
people - pessoas
because - porque
called - chamado
before - antes
russia - Rússia
better - melhor
understand - compreendo
again - novamente
unless - a menos que
would - seria
believe - acreditam
cannot - não podes
leyla - leyla
matter - importam
never - nunca
welcome - bem vinda
origin - origem
reason - razão
claim - afirmação
richter - richter
honest - honesto
sanctuary - santuário
annabel - annabel
something - alguma coisa
thank - obrigado
there - há
thomas - thomas
tortured - torturado
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