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Enough of this blow job bullshit.
- I gotta get laid already.
- That's nice. Really, really nice.
- Can I have a ride?
- Sure.
- Vicky, wait.
- Not for you.
I am the Yeti!
- Good morning, gentlemen.
- Finch.
Where were you last night, huh?
What happened to that
foolproof plan of yours?
Well, I was going for a fashionably-late
entrance and I was too late.
no ladies left.
It was a very
special night, very special.
Guys. Guys.
- I'll never forget this.
- Oh, I'll never forget it, either.
Thank you.
- Well, bye.
- Bye.
Fellas, say good-bye
to Chuck Sherman, the boy.
I... am now a man.
I highly recommend
you join the club.
We were doin' the wild thing...
all night. I'm exhausted.
I don't get it. I mean,
how the hell did you do that?
It was just my time.
It was just my time.
Best of luck
to you boys.
- I cannot believe this.
- Come on, guys. You know...
We should
be happy for Sherman.
No, we shouldn't be.
You know, I put in months
of quality time with Vicky.
Sherman meets a chick
for one night and scores.
- This is just wrong.
- Oh shit.
How the hell am I supposed
to become this Mr. Sensitive Man?
You know, we're all
gonna go to college as virgins.
You realize this, right?
yours - sua
wrong - errado
happened - aconteceu
going - indo
gonna - vai
finch - passarinho
forget - esqueço
fellas - amigos
exhausted - exausta
entrance - Entrada
chuck - mandril
believe - acreditam
virgins - virgens
bullshit - besteira
either - ou
night - noite
vicky - Vicky
already - já
fashionably - elegantemente
thank - obrigado
college - faculdade
gotta - tenho que
enough - suficiente
special - especial
become - tornar-se
chick - pintinho
happy - feliz
cannot - não podes
highly - altamente
meets - encontra
ladies - senhoras
never - nunca
gentlemen - cavalheiros
months - meses
foolproof - infalível
morning - manhã
quality - qualidade
where - onde
realize - perceber
really - realmente
sherman - Sherman
right - certo
should - devemos
supposed - suposto
scores - pontuações
sensitive - sensível
recommend - recomendo
thing - coisa
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