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Baby Driver - Is He Slow? (Pt)

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    No, Doc, I mean is he, retarded?

    - Retarded means slow. Was he slow?
    - No.

    Then he don't sound that retarded to me.

    He's a good kid and
    a devil behind the wheel.

    What the hell else more
    do you need to know?

    So, you don't think that there's something
    wrong with
    him just not saying anything?

    There's nothing wrong with a little quiet.

    You know why they call him Baby, right?

    Still waiting on his first words.

    So, you're a mute, baby?
    Is that what it is?

    Good God.

    - Are you a mute?
    - No.

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