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No, Doc, I mean is he, retarded?
- Retarded means slow. Was he slow?
- No.
Then he don't sound that retarded to me.
He's a good kid and
a devil behind the wheel.
What the hell else more
do you need to know?
So, you don't think that there's something
wrong with him just not saying anything?
There's nothing wrong with a little quiet.
You know why they call him Baby, right?
Still waiting on his first words.
So, you're a mute, baby?
Is that what it is?
Good God.
- Are you a mute?
- No.
- So, what are you listening to?
- Music.
- That's right. You tell him, baby.
- It's okay.
For God's sakes, Griff,
leave the kid alone.
You can't just be in crime, right?
Not without being a little criminal.
I just want to find out what's
going on between those ears,
aside, of course, from,
Egyptian reggae.
What's it matter to you?
Just think that he thinks
he's better than us.
He wants to sit there in his car
and keep his white shirt clean while
the rest of us, we roll in the dirt.
One of these days, baby,
you're gonna get blood on your hands.
And you're gonna find out that that shit
don't wash off in the fucking sink.
Relax. The kid did his job, all right?
I ever say that the kid
wasn't great at his job? No.
I think he's a star.
Would I vouch for him if he wasn't?
Got to hand it to you, totem pole.
You're either hard as nails
or scared as shit.
Which one is it?
What do you think about that, baby?
- Mommy and daddy are getting it on.
- Enough.
- Yeah, where do you get off?
- Right. Here.
Okay, folks, if you don't see me again,
it's 'cause I'm dead.
Tell me about tonight, Buddy.
Tonight, darling, we will have
post heist revelry at bacchanalia.
Wow, that is the finest winin' and dinin'
of all the wines and dines in town.
- That's us.
- Bye.
Well, sir, expect the lady and myself to
darken your door once the nosebag is empty
And, Baby, you did good, kid.
Do me a favor.
Next time Doc calls, don't pick up.
Don't listen to him.
wrong - errado
words - palavras
wines - vinhos
vouch - поручиться
while - enquanto
those - essa
thinks - acha
without - sem
which - qual
wants - quer
think - pensar
there - há
something - alguma coisa
where - onde
shirt - camisa
saying - dizendo
sakes - sakes
revelry - folia
nails - unhas
myself - eu mesmo
behind - atrás
devil - diabo
course - curso
great - ótimo
going - indo
relax - relaxar
gonna - vai
aside - a parte, de lado
listen - ouço
white - branco
tonight - esta noite
matter - importam
still - ainda
nosebag - saco de nariz
darken - escurecer
waiting - esperando
music - música
listening - ouvindo
calls - chamadas
sound - som
about - sobre
nothing - nada
being - ser
finest - melhor
blood - sangue
buddy - camarada
hands - mãos
alone - sozinho
darling - querida
clean - limpar \ limpo
folks - pessoal
dines - janta
criminal - criminoso
anything - qualquer coisa
retarded - retardado
griff -
bacchanalia - bacanal
between - entre
better - melhor
getting - obtendo
daddy - papai
right - certo
crime - crime
again - novamente
these - estes
egyptian - egípcio
empty - vazio
heist - roubo
either - ou
totem - totem
quiet - quieto
enough - suficiente
expect - espero
scared - assustada
means - significa
favor - favor
wheel - roda
first - primeiro
fucking - fodendo
would - seria
mommy - mamãe
reggae - reggae
leave - sair
little - pequeno
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