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Dear David Bowie, first thing
we need is a brass section.
Though, granted. Van Buren
has a limited pool to choose from.
The pianists around
here are all classical.
If Arcade Fire can have a cello.
we can have a cello.
- Need a hand?
- Need a Stanford-Binet test?
What? Sorry. It looked heavy.
I have eight weeks
to turn them into an actual band.
We need to take all this
psychotic energy and talent
and turn it into something new.
Okay, look, let's just start
by playing something simple.
You guys ever heard of blue beat?
Basher, get behind your drum kit.
All right, now, give me a Sly and Robbie
kind of groove, you know?
- Something 2 Tone.
- I don't do blue beat.
Everybody knows
you could beat that kit senseless,
but real power is in holding back.
Control, you know, finding a groove.
Come on.
Use some hi-hat.
Okay, you know what a reggae groove is.
Cross stick.
There we go. Kick drum.
Sweet. No wonder you are a legend.
All right, Bug, come on, come on.
All right, listen to what he's doing
and try and play against it.
Okay, that's good.
There we go.
That is what I'm talking about.
That is what you call a rhythm section.
Come on. Just make up your part.
Don't worry about it being perfect, okay?
Just make it fit to what you're hearing.
And after the one,
let me hear some trombone.
And sax.
Will Burton, you are amazing...
worry - preocupação
wonder - maravilha
though - apesar
sweet - doce
stick - bastão
start - começar
stanford - Stanford
something - alguma coisa
section - seção
trombone - trombone
senseless - sem sentido
right - certo
could - poderia
classical - clássico
thing - coisa
being - ser
energy - energia
control - ao controle
cello - violoncelo
against - contra
cross - cruz
bowie - Bowie
binet -
talent - talento
pianists - pianistas
playing - jogando
burton - Burton
around - por aí
brass - latão
finding - encontrando
after - depois de
actual - real
heard - ouviu
there - há
psychotic - psicótico
amazing - surpreendente
arcade - videogames
david - david
listen - ouço
doing - fazendo
holding - segurando
choose - escolher
eight - oito
buren - Buren
granted - concedido
hearing - audição
sorry - desculpa
perfect - perfeito
behind - atrás
everybody - todo mundo
first - primeiro
talking - falando
about - sobre
groove - sulco
heavy - pesado
simple - simples
knows - sabe
weeks - semanas
limited - limitado
robbie - robbie
basher - basher
looked - olhou
power - poder
legend - lenda
reggae - reggae
rhythm - ritmo
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