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Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Wrestling a Girl (Pt)

Cena do filme Diário de um Banana
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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Comedy
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    Well, Greg, I think it's great that you
    took the initiative to learn something new.

    This is like the first step
    to responsibility!

    My boss's son Will
    was smaller than you,

    but he built himself up
    with the weights!

    Yeah. We could get you
    the same equipment.

    You could train, get the right
    nutrition, cardio.

    You'd be in tip-top shape
    just like Will.

    And it would only take,
    like, three months.

    - Three months?
    - Yeah.

    I'll just stick to eating.

    Well, I don't know where
    you put it, Heffley

    but you gained 10 pounds and
    joined the Bulldog class.

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