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Começar a aprender
Well, Greg, I think it's great that you
took the initiative to learn something new.
This is like the first step
to responsibility!
My boss's son Will
was smaller than you,
but he built himself up
with the weights!
Yeah. We could get you
the same equipment.
You could train, get the right
nutrition, cardio.
You'd be in tip-top shape
just like Will.
And it would only take,
like, three months.
- Three months?
- Yeah.
I'll just stick to eating.
Well, I don't know where
you put it, Heffley
but you gained 10 pounds and
joined the Bulldog class.
I thought you didn't gain
any weight this week.
My mom's
ankle weights.
All right, bulldog Heffley.
Meet your new opponent.
What? But this is
boys' wrestling.
Ever hear
of Title 9?
Her parents
threatened to sue,
so you show her what it's liketo wrestle a real live boy.
Come on! What you
waiting for, huh?
Don't be such a wuss, Heffley.
Make your move!
She's a girl !
Where do I grab her?
- Stay down !
- Patty, over here!
Get off of me!
Can I wrestle
somebody good now?
Well, look who's
in the paper.
Greg ! You're famous!
Right on the front page!
would - seria
three - três
where - onde
thought - pensamento
somebody - alguém
weight - peso
right - certo
pounds - libras
wrestle - lutar
patty - rissol
weights - pesos
heffley - heffley
think - pensar
something - alguma coisa
equipment - equipamento
title - título
could - poderia
initiative - iniciativa
paper - papel
eating - comendo
wrestling - luta livre
cardio - cardio
parents - parentes
first - primeiro
waiting - esperando
ankle - tornozelo
famous - famoso
built - construído
bulldog - buldogue
class - classe
front - frente
gained - ganhou
great - ótimo
joined - ingressou
responsibility - responsabilidade
liketo - como
train - trem
learn - aprender
stick - bastão
shape - forma
himself - ele mesmo
months - meses
threatened - ameaçou
smaller - menor
nutrition - nutrição
opponent - oponente
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